40 year old male with lower back pain for 10 years
- This patient had lower back pain for 10 years. He had tried the normal things such as exercising, anti-inflammatory drugs and pain killers.
- His main concern was getting out of the car after a long drive.
- He is a company representative so driving is part of his job and livelihood.
- Looking at his back; increased lumbar lordosis (inward curve of you lower back) see photo
- Treatment: Specific manual therapy to left sacroiliac joint to decrease extension of lumbar spine and pelvis plus dry needling to tight left and right lumbar spine para spinal muscles.
- Good symptomatic relief.
- But the big fix come with correcting his posture (he had an increased lordosis, made worse in his car by pumping up the lumbar support).
- Exercises that were given to him to reduce lordosis were; improvement of core stability and restoring normal movement patterns to his lumbar spine.
You need to be doing the right exercises to correct the problem. Any of our physios are happy to assess and advise on appropriate exercises and/or postural corrections.
Move Well, Stay Well